Saturday, October 27, 2012

Our Country in Pain, Shame, and Moral Decay

                Our Country in Pain, Shame, and Moral Decay


“Yes, that is the way it is. It is a tough world, competitive. If you want to get ahead, to succeed, you do what you have to do. When you go to work in the morning and leave the little woman and kids or little man and kids at home, they expect you to take care of them, feed them and provide for their futures. Yes, of course, many persons with less power than us, a lot of families working financial and health problems, the poor and disadvantaged, even our veterans will have to suffer.” I heard this yesterday from my neighbor who was plunking a ‘vote for’ sign in his front lawn, later from a colleague at the office, and then again today in a car repair shop and a restaurant. I was struck that for some reason these positions were spoken defensively and defiantly. Why the polemics, the need to justify what for so long has been an undercurrent driving most Americans?

I asked for an explanation during these brief but surprisingly combative encounters hoping to find what was behind their spiel. Where did this obvious resentment, hate, noxious swirl of reactionary, self-serving narcissism come from, this vindictiveness that is creating a frightening stench in our country? Hearing even more snide and decadent statements, I concluded, “Forget love and compassion because America has been decaying with pro-materialistic, secular immorality, and a lessening of relevant religious leadership by many who have forgotten that their purpose is to serve,  and not to promote their own authority or that of the institutions to which they belong.

Sadly, I hear increasing amounts of venomous lies and abuses most every day on the radio and TV, as well as, manipulation rhetoric that includes, “Whether by enemy fire or friendly fire, there are always casualties; people die.” Have you noticed how often words like these are spoken by persons in a matter of fact manner, no signs of empathy or remorse to be seen?

If this reality bothers you, as it does me, you may find yourself sharing your disappointment and deeply growing concern for our country as it leaks out; no, bursts out pent up disgust on persons who were once thought of as our neighbors. It is as if we  have been thrown overboard into a swamp of power and profit possibly never to find our way back to the warmth of family belonging, the warmth of sharing ourselves at the table or , for some the warmth of the hearth.

 I haven’t kept score but it seems that half of the people some of us share these fears and observations with agree with us and react with a common sadness and frustration. For me, I might as well be talking to myself in a mirror. Then there is the other half of the people with whom you might have shared your feelings. This can be like talking to strangers with minds so closed that their obsession with immediate lashing out and personal gain have built a new society of masters and lesser beings. We used to call these beings slaves, serfs and the like while showing no empathy, no sense of responsibility for those who suffer. Then again, maybe what I see is still worse with so little compassion given to those who for many reasons have become the innocent casualties. Is it more painful for the parents or for the children of the middle class and poor to experience this ugly half look and cold talk, thrown at them impatiently and with a smug smile of superiority?

It is almost a cliché how the second half of people you find that are closed to common good and compassion justify their statements and actions with an amazing lack of critical thought. How could so many who claim they are educated be so naïve, so oblivious to the pains of the great depression and major recessions, the needless and cruel wars, and the increasingly visual suffering of so many human masses being shown in real time on TV in our homes or on devices we carry in our own hands anywhere? Then sounding like they are reading from a common script, they say, “You do what you have to do to get ahead, and that is the name of the game,” Are such persons acting as if they are really trying to explain the facts of life. Oh, I hope this is just a passing time in history, another vile time for us humans, with the help of God, of course, to resolve. We have done so in the past, and we must do so today.

In my watching and discussions with people from different walks of life recently, I unfortunately hear things like, “Somebody put it in simple terms, a scientist whose name I can’t remember, ‘survival of the fittest’. Not only that, but when you have big money, you invest and that creates jobs. I am tired of the whining, wimp-talk about people losing their jobs and homes, their kids not getting a real education, and millions being denied health care.” This time in our lives, in our history, there are not just speed bumps to cross; there are mountains to climb.

I told this to one challenging individual today who retorted, “Is that true? Listen, success means being an insider where the power and money are, the touchdown, and the winner who gets the spoils,” essentially the same words claimed earlier by the person at the office.

“Let me be clear about what you call success and happiness,” I returned the challenge. “Maybe you will be happy and maybe not, but won’t your touchdown cause many families in our America to suffer? I am talking about our American families, so many we fought and died for, the kind who fought and died for us. I need to say this because what I heard and the way I heard it did not match the values I learned in grammar school, in church, and at home?”

Naturally, there was a counter-challenge, “Hello, I learned that too, but my family and friends convinced me we are capitalists, not socialists or communists. My dad lived the way you said and did he make it to the top the same as a capitalist? Really…Sorry what’s your name? Do you mind if I call you dummy? You are one of those who say you’re responsible and doing your best, but get real! If you worked harder, bit the bullet and made the hard choices, hung around with successful people at dinners, parties, board rooms, and at the nineteenth tee; ah, forget it. I can see you’re an elitist or one of those expecting a hand out, another entitlement. You must have missed a class one day.” The person’s face flushed but showed no empathy, only contempt even stating that he expected me to expose those he pays to keep the government from enforcing checks and balances, not to mention passing new laws that might keep the wheelers and dealers from a new, shady investment, another home, or more power and profit.

“When you amass great wealth, and that could take all your life, then what?” I probed keeping it simple because the discussion was becoming antagonistic rather than exploratory.

“What? Huh! Then I get old and my friends and the people who know of me will smile, maybe be jealous; not what I can expect from you n’er-do-wells! What then, do you mean retire?” the person responded bluntly.

“Yah, what then?” I mean finally retire,” I continued. “What about Lazarus at the door?”

“Who the hell is Lazarus, and what door?”

“How about feeding the hungry, clothing the poor, healing the sick…,” I was abruptly interrupted.

“Oh, boy. Now are you going to talk religious stuff, God?  Let’s talk real world,” the person reacted with what seemed like a question-statement. “You people make me sick,” he first hesitated and then vented in disgust. “I pay taxes, give to charity as my tax documents prove, hire my share of workers and will pay for their health care as long as they are employed by me or until the laws are changed. Let’s see your tax returns and see who gives the most, you or me?”

I was getting nowhere. It was like talking to a stump. “Just one more question, please? The way I see it, the pendulum of history never stops; we fight the same wars, with the same tribes, in the same places; the rich get richer and eventually there’s a revolt and with a revolt there is death. Do you see we are polarizing again into no-denying class warfare right here where we are standing? Look around. It is happening all around the world, but this time we don’t have millions of people, we have billions.”; “How the Family Goes, So Goes Everything” by Dr. James McMahon